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Why I don't refer people to the GP or Gynecologist

I had this conversation with my Dr during my routine check up the other day. 


We were just catching up and she asked why I don't refer the people that come to me for assistance to Dr's? 
I looked at her with a smirk... She knew I was going to give her my full truth and nothing but the truth. 
I had to be honest with her, even though I know deep down  that she also knew what I was saying was true as she had also used some of my herbs herself. 
Well, I told her that most of the people that have come to me for assistance have been up and down with Dr's and the results were not fully effective effective. Some even had recurrent issues that could not be solved. 
Some of the Dr's did not go into the problem in detail and did not know how to solve the issues they were experiencing. 
The ladies I have seen came to me frustrated and hopeless. Tired of Western medication that takes their time off their schedules due to having to return to Doctors and the clinic with solutions that don't work for them.
Yes, the products are not  magic pill that automatically solves all the reproductive health issues. They also require the time and consistency from the users in order for the products to be effective and for one to see results. 
Well, I can say that we agreed that alternative medicine works. What do you say?
Do hit me up on WhatsApp 065 225 2525 
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